
How to Return a New Car

Buyer's remorse is a common reason people come back new car dealership. However, it is not always easy, because his contract is mandatory. If the dealer does not return, you can only have one week to complete your return, unless you find that your car has a mechanical or physical defect, who did not know before buying. Always keep a copy of your report with the purchase of a new car - it will be easier to return.

Contact your dealer immediately. Often you will have as little as 24 hours to return a vehicle. Ask in advance if the dealer accepts returns. You may be entitled to a full refund; You might have to take a proportionate while the car was in the reduction of possession. Even if you can not get your money, many dealers will work with you and even offer a commitment to buy a different car.

Review the lemon laws. In Texas, you may be eligible for a new car if you have already tried to solve a problem with the vehicle twice within the first year or 12,000 miles and twice in the second year / 12,000 miles after purchase, without success (Four -fold trials). You may also be eligible for a pickup if you have two unsuccessful repairs of a serious security breach once a year or 12,000 miles, and even in the second year / 12,000 miles without success.

gaps in research contracts. There may be certain legal restrictions, such as age or marital status, which prevent the dealer from selling the car in the first place - and usually cancel the deal. Read your contract carefully to identify cases.


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